Joining me today is Chartered Accountant and Entrepreneur, Melissa Houston. Melissa empowers business owners to be financially literate so they can make profitable decisions. Today we discuss why it’s so important to understand both the numbers in your business and your relationship with money. 

What You'll Learn In This Episode:

- How despite being a money expert Melissa found herself in debt when credit became an emotional crutch.

- Spending can become a habit and even an addiction, today Melissa shares how you can become aware of your patterns to avoid emotional spending.

- Once you understand the numbers in your business they can provide you feedback and can give you all the information you need to take things to the next level. 

- Money is emotional so having a positive money mindset is so key to success. In this episode, Melissa shares some of the ways you can improve your relationship with your finances to get cash confident. 


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- Melissa’s book, Cash Confident, is out now!