Confidence plays a big part in running a business, so when it takes a knock it can be really hard to bounce back.

Joining me today is membership expert Samantha Hill to chat about some of the steps you can take to reclaim your confidence and step into the next version of yourself.  

What You'll Learn In This Episode:

- How Samantha has gone from retreating due to low confidence that impacted her mental health and her business to realising she’s brilliant at what she does and is now helping others build bustling memberships.

- The steps Samantha has taken and the work she has done to rebuild her confidence and why you can have the best business in the world but without the right mindset you won’t succeed. 

- Why allowing external validation to decide who you are can leave you doubting yourself and how to break that pattern. 

- As an expert in memberships, Samantha shares her insights and knowledge when it comes to retention, win-back campaigns and how to create thriving communities. 


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- Connect with Samantha on Facebook at The Membership Lounge