One of the things I love about the new year is that it’s a clean slate and a fresh opportunity to review what you want to achieve in the next 12 months and where you want to be. 

Over the next 2 weeks, I will help you sort out your strategy for 2023 so you can take charge of your future because a goal without a plan, is just a wish.  

What You'll Learn In This Episode:

- The difference between business and marketing strategy and why you need both of these to build a long-term sustainable business. 

- How to get clear on your marketing strategy, where to start, what to include and how to spot any gaps. 

- The benefits of having a strategy you can actually stick to and the all too common reason people don’t follow their own plan. 

- How to stop winging it and make strategic decisions that will benefit your business, so grab your notebook and let’s get started!

If you have a big goal for 2023 but haven’t got a detailed plan to get you there, come and join the Strategy Clarity Challenge starting Monday 23rd January. Find all the details at 


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- Subscribe to my YouTube channel 

- Join the Strategy Clarity challenge to kick off your best year yet!