Joining me this week is life strategist, Elyssa Smith, to discuss a crucial topic: how to know when we’re feeling stressed and burned out, how to deal with it in the moment and what are some of the long-term changes we can make to break the cycle of stress. 

What You'll Learn In This Episode:

- We can't always recognise stress in ourselves, so we discuss how to spot if you’re near burnout and the first thing to do if you are totally overwhelmed right now. 

- How procrastination can actually be our brains' way of keeping us safe from danger and why everyday tasks can become so hard to manage if you’re stressed.

- As a trauma-informed strategist, Elyssa shares two types of the trauma she sees’ and how we can be happier and more successful by dealing with and healing from our past. 

- How to break the cycle of repeatedly burning out and the impact stress has on our brains and our bodies. 


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- Connect with Elyssa and find all her services at