Today I want to talk about debt. I have first-hand experience of being in debt and I know many other people too, but there’s still a stigma around openly talking about it. 

My guest today is Niki Matyjasik who found herself £50k in debt, but with planning, accountability and consistency she is not only debt-free today but has built a successful business helping small businesses take action towards their vision and goals. 

What You'll Learn In This Episode:

- Why not speaking out about our own experiences of debt only further alienates people who are going through the same thing. 

- How small consistent action builds up over time and why reflection and evaluation are essential to see how far you’ve come. 

- We’re all guilty of procrastination, so Niki shares her strategies for getting focused and overcoming distractions. 

- Niki’s own journey of creating a strategy changed the course of her life and helped her build a business she loves. 


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- My book Making Money Online is available now for pre-order 

- Connect with Niki on Instagram @nikijmatyjasik