In the last 5 years, my business has made $10 million in sales and I’m frequently asked what’s the one thing that has really moved the needle? How has this all happened?  

Well, I believe what has truly helped me is visibility. 

So today I want to talk to you about being visible and take you through what I’ve done year on year in my business to increase my visibility and build the crucial ‘know, like, and trust factor.'

What You'll Learn In This Episode:

- Why a multi-layered strategy towards being visible will help you make more money without it meaning you have to be ‘on’ all the time. 

- Visibility is a numbers game that actually comes down to marketing. Here’s how you can get seen & heard by the right people because you can be the best at what you do, but if no one knows who you are, you won’t succeed. 

- We live in an incredible time where you can build a successful business with a phone and free platforms. I’ll share with you all the ways and the different platforms I’ve used to connect with thousands of people with little to no cost. 

- Visibility is one of the biggest hurdles I see with my clients, but if we put our egos aside and show up to serve other people and make it about them, not us, it all becomes a lot easier. 

My free masterclass, Be Everywhere, is happening tonight at 8pm GMT! 

Join now at to learn how to build your own multi-layered strategy to be more visible. 


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