Today I’m joined by my husband and copywriter, Sam Johnson. When this episode is released we’ll be in Malta renewing our wedding vows which Sam has organized for us. This got us talking about how in relationships, be it business or life, it's essential to let people work within their zone of genius. 

Starting out in business it’s easy to try and do everything yourself, but I’ve learnt over the years when you bring in people who are really good at the jobs you’re not great at, your business will become more joyful and successful.

Sam & I have been together through it all, from being £30k in debt to now where our lives look very different, so join us for this conversation about what success and happiness mean to us, and how we allow one another to work in our own zone of genius.

What You'll Learn In This Episode:

- Why trying to be good at everything is a false economy and the freedom you can gain from relinquishing control and allowing people with the skills to excel at their job.

- Success and happiness can be intertwined but they don’t always go hand in hand. For that reason, it’s important to define your own version of success and not be influenced by what we see on social media. 

- How we’ve identified what success to means to us as a couple and a family, and the simple things that make us happiest. 

- The power of knowing what happiness and success mean to you and once you know what that looks like - do that every single day. 


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