TW: A quick warning, this episode contains conversations about family bereavement so if that’s hard for you right now, please do skip this one and I’ll see you again next week. 

Today I am speaking to Camille Plews, the superstar of systems who helps entrepreneurs automate their businesses, giving them more time and freedom, but our conversation today is actually all about perspective. 

I believe perspective in business is so important and I wanted to share how Camille has shaped her positive outlook and how loss has taught her how truly precious life is. 

What You'll Learn In This Episode:

- The life events that formed Camille’s unique outlook and how she’s been spurred on to build a life of freedom and happiness for her and her family.

- How Camille navigates receiving negative comments and why she will always choose to follow her gut and keep moving forward over taking on opinions from people who don't know the full picture.

- The life-changing power of shifting your perspective and how adversity can fuel success when you have the right mindset. 

- Regardless if you’ve suffered a loss in your life, the message that life is short applies to everyone - today we’ll chat about how to build towards your dreams and not allow fear or judgement to keep you stuck where you are. 


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- Today's episode is sponsored by Nicola J Rowley PR. You can find all her services at

- You can connect with Camille on Instagram @Camilleplews 

- Find all of Camille's services at