In today’s episode, I want to talk to you about growing a team, and how my business has grown from just me to now having 9 expert employees.

Growing a team can be challenging and letting people into your business is scary and I’ll be honest, I resisted delegating to others for far too long, but then I realised when you’re doing absolutely everything in a business; the book-keeping, the marketing, the admin etc, you have less time for the things that you do best. 

The only way to have a successful business that prioritises freedom is to have the right people alongside you and for a long time I worried someone else couldn’t do all the jobs as well as me - well spoiler alert, they do it better than me because that’s their zone of genius. 

So having shifted my approach to how I recruit to look within my audience and network I’ve built up an A-team of superstars that’s been a real game-changer. 

What You'll Learn In This Episode:

How I recruited my business team and why I’ve never regretted a single hire.

My goals and vision for the team in 2022, including how we plan to shift to a 4 day work week.

How we’ve created an open work culture.

Why I value attitude over skillset when hiring.

What’s been working well for us and what we want to improve in the next 12 months.


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