This episode is about how to add affiliate money to our business. I’ll share how learning about affiliate money changed my business, my thoughts about it when I first heard of it, and what mistakes I made with it so you can avoid them. We will learn how affiliate links work, and I will also share quick tips on making the most out of affiliate marketing. 

What You Will Learn In This Episode:

-What it means to be an affiliate, and why it’s good our business

-The four ways in which we can benefit from being an affiliate

-The four things that can help us be a good affiliate

Being an affiliate is an excellent way of adding semi-passive income to your business. If it is done correctly, if you are an affiliate with a company aligned with your core values, it can benefit you with extra income and strengthen your brand. That is why it is vital to affiliate with people we like, know how they work, and trust. 


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