Ciara Foy, a nutritionist and hormone expert who specializes in women’s health, as well as a public speaker and podcaster is on the show today to chat about how she took control of her career.


In this episode, we talk about…

How Ciara got started as an entrepreneur and how she up-leveled her business. What gave Ciara the confidence she needed to put herself in the big leagues, so to speak. How the only ways to achieve success are to invest in yourself and to push yourself out of your comfort zone. Ciara’s advice for someone who doesn’t currently have the cash to invest in themselves. Why it’s important to build habits you can commit to. What Ciara would say to people who don’t believe that one-on-one clients will ever bring in enough income. How to overcome limiting beliefs. How Ciara mastered her own coaching skills and what she thinks makes a good coach. Ciara’s favorite part of her work.


Links to Resources:

Website - 

Instagram - 

Ciara’s Podcast The Empowered Feminine - 

Inviting your feedback: What value did you get out of this podcast episode? What could we have done differently to make it a more successful listening experience for you? What questions do you wish were asked or elaborated on further? Let us know! Email the host directly: [email protected] 


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