Patti Pokorchak was NOT a born sales professional.   She was the shyest geeky tech pioneer proving that ANYONE can learn how to sell, AND love it too.    A serial entrepreneur since 1992, she helped co-found and run a software business, scaling to over a million dollars in sales and 20 employees before opening up her own hobby farm and garden centre.  

When someone hired this unlikely million dollar sales whiz as her sales coach, Patti deconstructed her natural laid-back sales style so that anyone can sell more and not feel salesy either.

She will take you from Sales FEAR to Sales FUN, so you can do more of what you love to do!

In this episode, Patti shares some interesting ways to expand your reach - no expensive ads or complicated funnels required!

*Inviting your feedback: What value did you get out of this podcast episode? What could we have done differently to make it a more successful listening experience for you? What questions do you wish were asked or elaborated on further? Let us know! Email the host directly: [email protected]

*This podcast is sponsored by Meal Garden ~> Sign up today with Kiki's code for a 3-month special offer via this link: