Ana Reisdorf has 13 years of experience as a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. She has a passion for creating incredible health and nutrition content. Her main focus is writing evidence-based, authority building content for nutrition and health brands.

When she is not at her laptop, she can be found wrangling her unruly boys and loving life in Nashville, TN.

In today's conversation, Ana answers practical questions like...

1. How I became a freelance writer? 2. Where to find clients? 3. What types of writing are available for healthcare professionals?   Connect with Ana: Twitter: @ana_reisdorf Facebook: @anareisdorf Instagram: @nutrition_writers  


*Inviting your feedback: What value did you get out of this podcast episode? What could we have done differently to make it a more successful listening experience for you? What questions do you wish were asked or elaborated on further? Let us know! Email the host directly: [email protected]

*This podcast is sponsored by Meal Garden ~> Sign up today with Kiki's code for a 3-month special offer via this link:

Ana Reisdorf has 13 years of experience as a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. She has a passion for creating incredible health and nutrition content. Her main focus is writing evidence-based, authority building content for nutrition and health brands.

When she is not at her laptop, she can be found wrangling her unruly boys and loving life in Nashville, TN.

In today's conversation, Ana answers practical questions like...

1. How I became a freelance writer? 2. Where to find clients? 3. What types of writing are available for healthcare professionals?   Connect with Ana: Twitter: @ana_reisdorf Facebook: @anareisdorf Instagram: @nutrition_writers  


*Inviting your feedback: What value did you get out of this podcast episode? What could we have done differently to make it a more successful listening experience for you? What questions do you wish were asked or elaborated on further? Let us know! Email the host directly: [email protected]

*This podcast is sponsored by Meal Garden ~> Sign up today with Kiki's code for a 3-month special offer via this link: