Ken Newbill is a holistic and functional nutrition practitioner, hair tissue mineral analysis practitioner, and life coach. He runs a online practice at NewBill of Health, LLC and services his clients through group and one to one programs. He has a unique gift of finding each client's unique path to wellness and guides them to achieve it and become self-sufficient in maintaining their health and vitality. He specializes in fatigue syndromes such as chronic fatigue, adrenal fatigue, mental fatigue, and physical fatigue. These imbalances require a deep understanding of inflammation, blood sugar, gut health, detoxification, thyroid, adrenals, hormones, metabolism and much more. As a firm but caring coach, Ken is an amazing individual for getting you on the right path to wellness. When not focused on helping his clients heal, Ken is experiencing life with his wife of twenty years, nine year old son, and six year old daughter. He especially enjoys gardening, fishing, golfing, and traveling abroad with the family and volunteering  as the President of the Board to Advocacy and Awareness for Immune Disorders Association (AAIDA) and supporting their important mission.

Listen to today's episode to learn why he's such a believer in tools like Meal Garden as it relates to helping his clients get a handle on their energy (& lively health!) again.

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*Inviting your feedback: What value did you get out of this podcast episode? What could we have done differently to make it a more successful listening experience for you? What questions do you wish were asked or elaborated on further? Let us know! Email the host directly: [email protected]

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