Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and Meal Garden practitioner Cristina Madine shares her personal struggle with hormones, why understanding our cycles is critical to our health, and tips for those ready to take control of their cycle! 


In this episode, we talk about…

Key factors that impacted how Cristina regulated her period What cycle syncing means and why it’s different for everyone    Understanding men’s 24-hour cycle vs. women’s 28-day cycle   Benefits of using Meal Garden with cycle syncing  Resources for practitioners to learn more about cycle syncing  Suggestion for women to utilize PER: Plan, Execute, Review & Rest 

Links to Resources:

Cristina’s Website -

Instagram -

Facebook -


Alisa Vitti -

WomanCode Book -

Inviting your feedback: What value did you get out of this podcast episode? What could we have done differently to make it a more successful listening experience for you? What questions do you wish were asked or elaborated on further? Let us know! Email the host directly: [email protected] 

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