Franzika Freitag is a Vision Creator & Purpose Activator.  
She helps people to get clear and activate their purpose and mission in life, so they can live fully aligned with their dreams and the reason they came here for.

Franziska works with early stage entrepreneurs to get clear on their vision, helping them to admit their biggest dreams, and finding the first steps of execution that takes them from A to B. As well as helping established entrepreneurs and CEOs get clear on next steps, vision, expansion, and helping them become more confident and profitable.

She works with her clients on all things being open to find clients, sabotaging patterns when it comes to success, and all things money.

It’s the combination of those three that Franziska calls "The Prosperity Formula", because only if all three are in alignment with your unconscious belief systems you'll be able to have a highly prosperous business.

Franziska also works with highly successful people in life and business who need a realignment and just don’t feel fulfilled with their life anymore.​​​​

Today on the show we chat about how you can reconnect with your full potential to find more clarity, joy & prosperity in your business (& in your life).

You can connect with Franzi below...  [email protected]


*Inviting your feedback: What value did you get out of this podcast episode? What could we have done differently to make it a more successful listening experience for you? What questions do you wish were asked or elaborated on further? Let us know! Email the host directly: [email protected]

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