With 42 states practicing either partial or statewide stay at home orders, our lives are looking very different than they were just a few weeks ago. We're spending a lot of time at home, and attempting to use technology to maintain our relationships and workplace productivity. All this change makes it the best and worst time to innovate, all at once.

This episode is Part 1 of a 2 part series aimed at guiding inventors on how to nurture their creativity and develop their ideas while stuck at home. Learn by example how to analyze the current day to day struggles that parents, teachers and even kids are facing, and identify potential opportunities for new toy or game inventions. Learn what an Inventors Notebook is and HOW to keep one as a legal record. Additionally, learn how to use an Inventors Notebook to develop your small ideas into big inventions.

Ready to listen? Pop in your earbuds and listen in!


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