Here’s something I believe with all of my heart

You have a superpower. Specifically, a marketing superpower. 

And I know that probably, we’ve never even met, but I can tell you this with 100 percent certainty. And it gets better! This superpower doesn’t cost you anything. It doesn’t require you to pick up any new skills. It’s something you have access to ALL of the time and you can activate at any time.

This superpower is something that can help you connect with your ideal customers, grow your audience, build relationships and trust, make sales, and do so many of the other amazing things that marketing can do for our small businesses.

In today’s episode, we’re going to talk all about that marketing superpower: what it is, why it’s so powerful, and I’m going to give you some concrete strategies for putting it into action.

Stuck on what to say in our marketing? Download this free resource of 100 marketing prompts: