The very first Making Games Is Fun live episode featuring three men all called Dan talking about videogames, dev life and lots of off topic daftness

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Friday the 4th of December, 2015 saw the very first Making Games Is Fun live episode. I was joined by Dan Pearce, Dan Da Rocha and previous MGIF guest, Dan Gray.

We discuss school days, more BAFTA chat, as well as questionable and frankly cruel parenting methods. Plus, the devs discuss their own games and the inspiration behind them.

Thanks to everyone who came down to listen. To support me in creating more episodes of Making Games Is Fun, as well as more potential future live podcasts like this one, go to and get on the cool person bandwagon, where the cool persons hang out, and throw us some unwanted pocket change.

Failing that, share this far and wide on all the social media platforms you can bear to be a member of. 

Thanks for your support and interest so far and be ready for MANY, many more episodes of Making Games Is Fun in 2016!