In this episode of the Making Disciples podcast, Robby and Chris continue their discussion about why some churches give up on discipleship.


In This Episode, You’ll Discover:

Why Jesus had more of a reason to give up on discipleship than any modern-day church.
Why people are the most important and most difficult part of the discipleship process.
How some church processes can be a hindrance to discipleship.
How Jesus raised the bar for discipleship.

Shareable Quotes (#MakingDisciplesPodcast):

(09:00) "Jesus' ministry was rolling, and he prunes the group back." - @rgallaty
(13:00) "Jesus never lowers the bar with discipleship." - @rgallaty
(14:15) "In the discipling of other people, don't neglect the discipling of you." - @rgallaty

Additional Resources:

Replicate Journal
Discipleship Blueprint 2.0
Disciplemaking Jumpstart
Replicate E-Quipping Cohort
MARCS of a Disciples

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In this episode of the Making Disciples podcast, Robby and Chris continue their discussion about why some churches give up on discipleship.


In This Episode, You’ll Discover:

Why Jesus had more of a reason to give up on discipleship than any modern-day church.
Why people are the most important and most difficult part of the discipleship process.
How some church processes can be a hindrance to discipleship.
How Jesus raised the bar for discipleship.

Shareable Quotes (#MakingDisciplesPodcast):

(09:00) “Jesus’ ministry was rolling, and he prunes the group back.” – @rgallaty
(13:00) “Jesus never lowers the bar with discipleship.” – @rgallaty
(14:15) “In the discipling of other people, don’t neglect the discipling of you.” – @rgallaty

Additional Resources:

Replicate Journal
Discipleship Blueprint 2.0
Disciplemaking Jumpstart
Replicate E-Quipping Cohort
MARCS of a Disciples

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Leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or Spotify.

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