Throughout history, successful individuals such as Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, and Thomas Edison all met with groups of like-minded people on a regular basis, to help one another achieve common goals and grow. Today, this concept is called a “mastermind”, and is very well known amongst successful business owners.  In fact, many consider some concept of a mastermind group as a critical part to maintaining a healthy network.

"Whether it's a problem that you need to solve, whether it's creating and implementing goals, and just supporting each other through hard times. I think its necessary for every manufacturing leader to be a part of some kind of group like that. I'm going to say it... It's necessary."

- Jason Zenger

On this episode of MakingChips, we talk about what a mastermind group is, how it can benefit you and your manufacturing business, and what steps you can take to form one. We also talk manufacturing news and preview the upcoming IMTS 2016.

Episode Structure:

[00:07] - Episode Preview
[01:35] - Manufacturing “Stuff”
[03:22] - Manufacturing News
[05:35] - IMTS
[06:34] - Sandvik Coromant
[07:23] - Mastermind Groups
[08:23] - Jason’s Mastermind Groups
[09:45] - Old School Philosophy
[10:45] - Experience with Master Minds
[12:45] - Rules and Structure
[14:00] - Sharing Personal Information
[16:25] - Primary Components of a Good Group
[18:30] - Diverse Group of Businesses
[20:00] - Steps to Starting a Mastermind Group
[22:50] - MakingChips' Mastermind Group
[25:45] - Conclusion of Episode
[26:25] - Ryan’s Patreon Account

Mentioned in this Episode:

Manufacturing News Article
IMTS 2016
Sandvik Coromant
Donate to Ryan's Patreon Account!

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