[featuring Flyleaf, Veruca Salt, Steve Ewing, Burle the Squirrel, and many more] - A screening in Chicago. Sarah goes wild, Heather performs, and all is well. Enjoy!

Featured Artists (in order played):

Flyleaf - "I'm So Sick" - www.flyleafmusic.com

Ether Aura - "Waiting" - www.etheraura.com

Tanya Nolan - "Loving Me is Necessary" - www.myspace.com/tanyanolan

Steve Ewing - "When I'm With You" - www.stevee.com

Heather Leigh West - "Fall Away" - www.heatherleighwest.com

Veruca Salt - "Brian's Song (demo)" - www.verucasalt.com

Seren-Dippity-Do-Dah (sings and does crazy stuff) - http://www.myspace.com/sweat_e

Burle Squirrel - "Farm Animal Lover" - www.myspace.com/ianbaird

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