This episode is going to fascinate you, heal you and give you permission to use all your gifts as a multi-passionate in business. 

Meet Sheetal Story-expert medium, astrologer, grief expert, intuition expert and so much more. One of my favorite people to follow on IG! My spiritual girlies take note! The wisdom in this episode is off the charts. 

You'll learn:

How Sheetal took her business to the next level after being let go from corporate during the pandemic and how she invested in her skillset no matter what.  How she's built an umbrella brand using her unique spiritual gifts and how all her certifications work together to serve her audience.  Letting go of a employee mindset for a CEO mindset. Her biggest boundaries, and money mindset shifts she had to move through. The real talk around navigating your business through grief and giving your soul what you need. I tear up! 

If you love this episode please leave a review and share :) 

Connect with Lindsey on Instagram @lindseynadler

Unfiltered:The Membership