Once plagued by anxiety and panic attacks himself, Ramses Rodriguez now helps professionals get better results for their anxious clients with science-based and holistic modalities.

Ramses holds a Master of Science degree in Developmental Genetics and has combined science theory and alternative therapies to create the Anxiety FREEDOM Process, which he now teaches Coaches how to use to get their anxiety managed for their clients once and for all.

Ramses has written two books in the genre of anxiety relief. In his first book, Stop Pressing Your Own Panic Button, Ramses details the process he has lead professionals through to achieve lasting relief from Panic Attacks. In his second book, The End of Writer’s block, Ramses addresses the most effective tools for overcoming performance anxiety.

He now lives in Northern Virginia after starting the Panic Freedom Academy, LLC, where he coaches professionals on how to get their anxious clients lasting anxiety relief that lasts!
