What happens when the vision crystalizes and we realize that what we remember...what has helped us make decisions that our future now depends on...is not the whole story, much less the whole truth? Can we change it? And if so, how? And why should we?

My dear friend recently helped me access the most profound, shiver-worthy message that sent me back into the past so that I could re-experience it, so that I could see what I couldn’t see the first time - so that I could scoop the new energy, and recapitulate the timeline between then and now...

When, in 2017, I battled a whole array of conflicting emotions that I did not quite understand, a particular scene of Moana pierced my heart! It has accurately articulated what I had been experiencing; it solidified into a masterfully visual form the homesickness, the unresolved issues in my relationships, the feeling of having outgrown our space and the roles expected to play. 

It was the ancestral calling.

And, it was the grieving of my old self as the process of the emergence of the new-me was just about to begin.

When, in 2018, my daughters and I embarked on our 4-month Slovenian adventure, the only awareness I had, was to slow down. To heal. To reconnect.

And when we returned, I experienced another dark night of the soul; I felt I no longer belonged to our home, into our union. I felt like a wild cheetah now caged and confined to a small patch of artificial grass - ready to break out.

By the time 2020 pressed pause on our lives and the world seemingly stopped spinning, and the collective was filled with anger and sadness and resentment and haterage... I saw a glimpse of hope. I felt at peace. And, I felt courage.

Courage to let the new me emerge: Catalyzed by awareness. Powerful in convictions. Rooted in deep knowing. In ownership of divine gifts. 

And ready to begin working on Legacy book.

As words kept pouring out and on the paper, as new memories kept emerging, and pages kept being written, time has come to change the narrative. To intentionally deepen it until it feels light again - until it feel true. It was time to revisit the past...

In today's journey, I also walk you through the process of making some of the most difficult decisions as a woman, wife, mom; the experience of having the most uncomfortable conversations with loved ones; the tunnel vision when advocating for oneself with no tangible or measurable proof other than the gut feeling.