Let's talk about hard work.
How do you define it?

For me, I work harder than most people I know. I totally own that!

Now, I used to hustle, grind, to justify my worth, success.
Hard work now feels very different: it exalts my strengths, it's aligned with my mission, it feels easy. It is flow.

That said, I also work fast.
I move fast.

So oftentimes, as reality (and other people) are still catching up with me, I would try to compensate and fill up the idle time with more work.
Stretching myself too thin.

That's where awareness comes in.

It's allowed me to be much more intentional, to give myself permission to lean back and wait.

Because here's the thing: those of us who play in multiple realms, who identify as creatives, and who openly bring spirituality and metaphysics into our business models, game plans, and into harmonizing our lives, we also understand the value of spaciousness.
Receiving - just as much as creating.

And being in contentment, stillness, and expanding capacities to move so much, to receive so much, to hold & sustain so much...for us, for our families, communities, and those who work with us...that is hard work.

But it can't be measured, weighed, or timed.

So, let me ask you again: how do you define hard work?
And - how still do you dare to get to amplify & speed up the results?

Mentor, Master Certified Coach, Quantum Strategist, Healer
