What a two years it’s been. When I look back to Feb 2020, while I was following what was happening with covid-19 around the world, I had no idea what was in store for me.

Two years later, this pandemic has had huge impacts on my business, my case study and DNW.

In this episode, I give you an insider’s look over my shoulder to what’s happening in my business. 

I discuss how the coronavirus pandemic has impacted it, what I’m doing right now in my business including the impact it’s having on Digital Nomad Wannabe and all the new sites I’m creating as well as a case study update on my Malaysia site.

I also have a big announcement about my courses. Spoiler, it’s your last chance to sign up!

I think it’s helpful and interesting to see how other people are building their businesses, what is possible and what you could learn and do as a result of that. I’m frank and honest and I hope you can learn from this.

If you are someone who loves to learn about decisions you can make in your business by listening to what others are doing then you’ll love this podcast episode. 

Read the show notes here: https://www.digitalnomadwannabe.com/episode32