On the first installment of Dollar Theater Double Feature, it's just me—Rob—talking about a couple of grindhouse movies starring Claudia Jennings. You got some rollerskate fighting on a tilty loop of rink & some fizzly boomstick bank robberies with fun-loving Texas ladies. 

Really appreciate you for giving this a shot. Hope you're doing great out there.

At low-effort content—where okay is okay—we make stuff and share it with you to celebrate life with curiosity, creativity, and compassion...kind of...sometimes.

You can contact us & buy our coffee mugs and things.

And you can listen to our shows: 

Make Mine a Double Feature, where Rob & Ellen have a few drinks and tell each other movie stories in all kinds of ways—like backwards or in the form of letters or from the POV of a side character.

Kid. Dad. Songs. Yeah!, where Rob & Felix talk about music.

Trivial Television, where Ellen & Rob recap TV episodes while sprinkling in facts, fictions, and trivia questions.

Booyah 90s Now, where Rob & Joe break down what it’s been like to live under the influence of 90s media.

Thanks for hanging out. 

Take care.