The power grid isn’t like other infrastructure. It’s a complex system that’s always on, on-demand all over the country. When supply can’t keep up with demand, as in extreme weather, things can go wrong very quickly. Carnegie Mellon assistant professor Destenie Nock studies and helps plan power systems, and on today’s show she’ll tell us about the challenges of maintaining and repairing a power grid in the face of climate change, and the outlook for potential solutions.

Here’s everything we talked about today:

Recent heat waves show the US power grid is not ready for climate change” from Recode
U.S. electrical grids are not prepared for climate change” from Marketplace
Luntz: ‘I was wrong’ on climate change” from Politico
The Luntz Memo and the Framing of Climate Change” from Big Think
Drought in Utah Town Halts Growth” from the New York Times
U.S. judge rules DACA program illegal, suspends new applications” from Reuters
A list of 10 dyslexia-friendly fonts

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