Marina Pearson is one of our Javea members.  She is a bestselling author, speaker and specialist in transforming your stress into effortless living and being in Joy!  Marina is revolutionising the understanding of stress and overwhelm for Mums to transform into unadulterated joy.

Lovely to meet you here Marina! Whatever aspect of your business we look at, its always about effortless – can you tell us more of your experience as to why you choose that as a theme (or did it choose you?)

We use the terms struggling, stuck as words to describe how we are experiencing business/life. I see these moments as states of mind. A mind that is searching that takes you out of the present moment. 

Effortless for me is when you have clarity of mind and when you are in the present moment - without analysis. Some would call it flow/mental clarity. It’s possible to experience regardless of the circumstances. You see how we feel doesn’t come from our situations or other people. It comes from the thinking we have on the moment 100 percent of the time. The insights and realizations we have help us to declutter the mental chaos that we experience which is why over time we can spend more time in that peace and mental clarity I speak of. This is how we experience effortlessness. 

What has been the ah-ha moment in your life and how did you cope with it?  Any special tips?

I have had many. And keep having them. If I were to chose one it would be - we are built for insight. Who we are is universal intelligence in disguise. 

You have written a new book Joy of Being – what can we expect to learn and understand within its pages?


The book points to 2 truths  

We are always feeling our thinking 100 percent of the time We are divinity in disguise 

If you insightfully see this - you will experience more joy and miracles!!

Coaching is very much part of our world today – what does it mean to you and what would be the benefits of having a coach?

For me, it’s about having someone sitting to really listen and understand your world. To create an environment for you to have your own insights. Coaching is hugely beneficial as it helps us uncover our blind spots that stop us from living the life we want. It makes navigating life easier. When you know how a sliding door works - you won’t be attempt to open and close it!

One thing you will achieve in 2019 to being you joy of being?

To successfully launch (to have about 500 mums do the course this year)  my online #MumRelief: Back To Balance online course - to free mums of the mental burdens of motherhood and modern day life :) 

Find out more by listening to the recording and connecting with Marina

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