Our latest 'Make it Happen' interview is with Elisa Card - Entrepreneur and Founder of ElisaCard.com (and Mum to 5 boys).  Elisa's mission is to “Showing the World and particularly Women, that no matter what & no excuses, if you have a Passion or just a tiny bit of Dream, IT IS ALL POSSIBLE!”

Elisa, how did your professional journey start?

It all started overcoming intense challenges: it started from scratch TWICE in my life:  "24 years ago, I was a single mom at that time  I was living at my mom's tiny apartment in Paris with my five toddler-sons, the last one just born, single-mom, after leaving the toxic relationship I was into for ten years, I had no job. I felt questions. How to escape this desperate situation? At that time twenty-four years ago, when hurricanes blew up my life, destroying everything that I had, home, friends, and of course no financial support, I realized that my life or the Universe was telling me, ‘Hey girl, show us, it’s time to run the show’! And my adorable mother sent me ancient scriptures from the Bible. How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them? Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, They are like treasures. This text boosted my trust in the Universe, and a new inner power was growing within me, which I didn’t know I had.

I was 33 at that time and pregnant with my fifth son while getting ready for the most significant and astonishing change in my life. I was already a mother of four sons with the last one to be born soon – with a vast white page in front of us, still to be written.

I used my imagination, my intuition and my creativity and I became an entrepreneur from scratch. That’s how I started my entrepreneur journey!

And again, 3 years ago, when I had a calling, I was a PA personal assistant to VPs in IT information technology, the new tech industry, during 6 years, to feed my family. Recently, I had a calling to create what I have created today. And it was during struggle time too, I was bored, I had outgrown the PA role… again the Universe sent me messages to move forward.

Read more: https://costawomen.com/blogs/1/1813/costa-women-meet-elisa-card

Connect with Elisa at https://elisacard.com/

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