It is no surprise that in small business Cash is King. However, it is easy to get caught up with spending and the more we have, the more we want to spend. This can result in you falling into the most common mistake. So, do you really need that fancy new car or to go for a boozy lunch with a client?


Welcome to part five of our mini-series on the Seven Common Mistakes Small Business Owners Make, this week focusing on the fifth mistake – spending the bank.


This week learn about a time when Walker Hill was just three months away from not having any cash in the bank. Find out what a 12-month forecast could mean for your business, what bank accounts you should have set up and why a 30 day cash flow forecast review might help you to stop making those bad spending decisions.


Ask a question or give us an idea for our next podcast by contacting Nick at [email protected]


Shout out to the people who have helped make this podcast happen.

Fearless Motion for music, Dan Sugars Audio for podcast training and Hannah Clare for post-production.