There are many different ways to be brave. And sometimes, bravery is simply surviving in the face of ongoing trauma. 

Today’s guest, Reese Spykerman knows all about this. She was bullied throughout much of her childhood. And then later, as an adult, she was diagnosed with a debilitating health condition that made a huge impact on her daily life. 

But that same diagnosis, while challenging, also helped her see how she could not just survive, but truly thrive. And her message about taking care of yourself and managing your energy is an important one that I think many need to hear––especially in today’s hustle culture.

Also, a quick word of warning about today’s episode. Reese does describe some acts of physical bullying in today’s episode. If this content will be sensitive to you or anyone listening, you might want to skip this episode or fast forward to the 10 minute mark. 


You can learn more about Reese and her work at Design By Reese.

Reese has also created a free guide with tips on how to manage stress as a business owner. You can get your copy of it here

To connect with Reese online, you can follow her on Instagram or Facebook


A huge thanks to The Russell for their support of the show. This episode was recorded in their fabulous studio. Also, thank you to Ryan Dunn and Marj Tieman for their reviews of the show on iTunes. 


Enjoying the show? Share your feedback by leaving a five-star review on iTunes. Your feedback helps others discover the show. Plus, I’ll give you a shout out on an upcoming episode!


Don’t forget to follow the show on Instagram or Facebook to get updates about the show and more inspiration to help you Make it Brave through the week. I love connecting with listeners. Drop by and say hello!

Thanks for listening! And just remember, whatever you do today, don’t forget to make it brave!