LISTEN HERE! Yippee Ki-Yay, We like to PARTY! Does the Nakitomi corporation and the city of LA lose more money letting John McClane fight bad guys in his bare feet than if they just let Alan Rickman and the other fancy Germans get away with all the money and blow up the building? Is Nakitomi just…


Yippee Ki-Yay, We like to PARTY!

Does the Nakitomi corporation and the city of LA lose more money letting John McClane fight bad guys in his bare feet than if they just let Alan Rickman and the other fancy Germans get away with all the money and blow up the building? Is Nakitomi just a front for a very large scale crime ring? Does Damon know how much buildings are worth?

Learn these things and more on this episode!


Dan’s Spreadsheets! (Be nice, he worked hard!) This includes links to all of Dan’s sources, plus an overwhelming amount of money!