Why would you choose to leave the public internet on your own terms? Philip Gee joins Henry (for the 2nd time) to chat about his recent choice to make a minimal public web presence after being on the web for many years. We discuss the logistics of removing social media (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube), moving to longer forms of media (podcasts, essays, books), making introductory content, recognizing different stages of your career, being out of touch, freeing your mind for the next thing, not being ashamed of previous work, taking time to reflect, and friction. (recorded in May) Transcript: https://maintainersanonymous.com/unlisting.

Previous Episode: https://maintainersanonymous.com/growing-old
Henry: https://twitter.com/left_pad


"He took everything down!"A Long Time ComingErasure: a minimal public web presenceUnlisting YourselfWhen I was young, I was in a rock bandNaturally Transitioning OutTenure as a forcing functionHigh School DebutOut of TouchOwnership Over Our (Digital) SelvesPosting about QuittingNo One's Going to CryMaking Introductory ContentMore Beginners in a Growing FieldThe Business of PatronsDoing the Work vs. Funding ItStaying or Stepping AwaySeinfeld and Ending at the TopFreeing Your Mind for the Next Thing"It's all I've Known"Graceful DegradationA Time to ReflectActing on Our BeliefsQuitting Should be BoringIntentionalityWe Are As AthletesAdding Friction

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