Jesse interviews Wutslav Walk - who makes relaxational music - He sings, plays guitar and piano. Wutslav's music suits any type of relaxation, excercises like yoga, meditation or taiji. Ever since he was a kid, he was making up songs and there was always some tune going on in his head non-stop. Wutslav went through many styles before, but ever since he got on a self-developement and spiritual path that he's still on, including meditation, yoga and taiji, he has felt mostly drawn to relaxational and meditative kind of music - which he still keeps making.  He has just finished recording his first long album called Sunrise.  It seems that there are people who really enjoy listening to his music - and that is a huge honor for him, and he will do his best to give the best. We will be talking about his work and sharing his music.  Learn more about his music at: 



Clare Hedin:
