Jesse interviews Master Matthew Klein - 

founder of the Martial Arts of Wellness, is a Kung Fu Sifu and wellness facilitator who is able to manipulate electromagnetism and the forces of elements for rapid healing. He has taught, guided and empowered thousands of people to their own healing. His techniques, based on a new science of connecting the body through positioning and motion to healing elements, has helped broken bones heal rapidly, regenerated ligament and spinal damage, alleviated PTSD and taken athletes and health enthusiasts to a new level of strength and awareness.

Master Matthew has over 40 years of experience in the martial arts. He currently educates doctors, clinicians and leading edge wellness motivators worldwide using his precise science of "The Martial Arts of WellnessTM .” 

We will be looking at Master Matthew's work in Electromagnetic Healing.  You can learn more about his work at:




Clare Hedin:
