On episode #219 of The Author Factor Podcast I am having a conversation with Dr. Matt Archer, a chiropractor and author of "The Protocol For Health, 7 Unexpected Solutions."

Dr. Archer's journey into nonfiction writing began with a skeptical approach to manual muscle testing and applied kinesiology. During this interview, he shared a unique, effective system that simplifies health care and guides listeners to navigate the full spectrum of symptoms. He describes the sensible foundation of the protocol, underlining the importance of a clear baseline and simple muscle strength.

Listeners will find Dr. Archer's author journey intriguing because of the unique perspective he brings to health and wellness. Through his book, "The Protocol For Health, 7 Unexpected Solutions," readers are enlightened with effective, alternative health solutions, challenging the norms and advocating for a simpler, clearer approach. Dr. Archer's book not only contributes to the health and wellness space but also exemplifies successful navigation through unconventional methods, making it an intriguing and insightful read for aspiring nonfiction authors.

Learn more about Dr. Matt Archer by visiting TheProtocolForHealth.com.

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