Jim Miller joins me on the show today to talk about budgeting. A few weeks back, we spoke with Jared from JRod Money about the proper mindset to have while budgeting. This week, Jim is going to take us through several topics in his recent book "Budgeting Doesn't Have to Suck" and cover some practical tips to help with the ins and outs of putting our budget into practice.

Have ideas for a future episode? Send in an email or tweet @MainStMoney to have your idea as a future show! Be sure to check out the YouTube channel for new demonstrations!

Jim's Links

Website: iamjimmiller.com

Book: iamjimmiller.com/budgeting-doesnt-have-to-suck/

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/iamjimmiller/

Instagram: instagram.com/iamjimmiller2

My Usual Links

Website: MainStFinance.org

Show Email address: [email protected]
Twitter Account: @MainStMoney
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxWzLF_ZCgeDJ6PcIovg9ww