WARNING! A Huge Podcast is Approaching Fast! A podcast covering the world of Japanese gaming, brought to you by ex-GameFan...

WARNING! A Huge Podcast is Approaching Fast!

A podcast covering the world of Japanese gaming, brought to you by ex-GameFan and ex-Play stars Nick Rox, Casey Loe, and shidoshi.

//Stage 028 [Season 3]

//Main Topic: 10 Minute Roundtable + ???

//Now Playing: Bayonetta 2, Legend of Legacy, Atelier Ayesha Plus, Brandish: The Dark Revenant, The Legend of Dark Witch

//Subtopics: We talk about all of the deliciousness leaking from XSEED, Nick & Casey’s dreams of discovering new Monster Worlds shattered, Japan’s 16-bit pegasus flies again (kind of), Square Enix seems to not have gotten the memo about arcades being dead, why IS Japan obsessed with having duels in high school anyhow, GungHo and Nintendo look to infest Western 3DS owners with a double dose of PazuDora, shidoshi at least gets some touchscreen-tappin’ and cute skirt-wearin’ from Nintendo Direct, Metal Gear Rising 2 is totally coming except it totally isn’t except it totally is, FINAL FANTASY DISSIDIA [013] Tredecim ~Pugnans Venatus pro Arcade~?!, Gainax wants you to turn ramen girls into prostitutes, Dragon’s Dogma Online is the best/worst thing ever, Naohki Maeder is making new rhythm games… for the enemy!, we debut our new 10 Minute Roundtable version of Let’s Discussion (featuring WRPG vs JRPG and Tales of DLC blowback), the upcoming games for Japan and North America, OTOMEGEMANIA!!, and… hmm.


//00:01:14 – Intro

//00:21:14 – Releace a New!!

//01:22:52 – Hot Infos

//03:08:54 – Let’s Discussion

//03:38:22 – Coming Next

//04:14:14 – Let’s Discussion #2

//05:09:00 – Fixing the Past to Save the Future

//05:21:02 – Untitled End Segment

//Special Note

//Casey and shidoshi are both using new microphones for this podcast, which will hopefully, in the long run, provide for better audio quality. However, neither had pop filters yet, so please excuse the results.

//Cover Art: ArcaneSylph (@ArcaneSylph)

//Feedback: [email protected]

//shidoshi: [email protected]

//Official site: Returning soon?

//Radio site: radio.morningproject.com

//Twitter: show (@WAHPcast), shidoshi (@pikoeri), Nick Rox (@NickRoxNRX), Casey Loe (@snowjew)

//Facebook: warning a huge podcast