WARNING! A Huge Podcast is Approaching Fast! A podcast covering the world of Japanese gaming, brought to you by ex-GameFan...

WARNING! A Huge Podcast is Approaching Fast!

A podcast covering the world of Japanese gaming, brought to you by ex-GameFan and ex-Play stars shidoshi, Casey Loe, and Nick Rox.

//Stage 006

//Main Topic: Online Import Shops

//Now Playing: Deathsmiles IIX, Xenoblade, Lost Planet 2

//Subtopics: E3, Nintendo 3DS, Ni no Kuni for PS3, Chiyomaru Shikura disses the PS3 as a gaming device, Final Fantasy VII HD would take 40 years, Marvelous nixes new IP, Masaya Matsuura says War Is Not The Answer, Final Fantasy XIII new for 500 yen, Just Cause 2 heavily censored in Japan, Fire Emblem without permanent death, your Loveplus+ girlfriend wants you to live, Twitter Watch, upcoming releases, we talk about making the podcast shorter, and we beg you to follow us on Twitter.

//Feedback: [email protected]

//Site: radio.morningproject.com

//Twitter: shidoshi (@pikoeri), Nick Rox (@NickRoxNRX)