The Nichiest Podcast Ever A look at the nichier side of gaming by Bryan, Anne, and shidoshi. //Take 013 //Topics:...

The Nichiest Podcast Ever

A look at the nichier side of gaming by Bryan, Anne, and shidoshi.

//Take 013

//Topics: We talk about our holiday adventures, the impending release of the New 3DS in America, the upcoming episodic 3DS visual novel Harvest December, the numerous leaked games coming from XSEED, a wide variety of recent Vita announcements (including Operation Abyss: New Tokyo Legacy, Sayonara Umihara Kawase, and English Steins;Gate), the mixing of Puzzle & Dragons and Super Mario Bros., Cheerleading (Pikmin 3, Coming Out on Top, Woah Dave, Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley), and more!

//Radio site:

//Email: [email protected]

//Twitter: Bryan (@thegaygamer), Anne (@apricotsushi), shidoshi (@pikoeri)