A Generic Video Game Podcast About Nier Automata + Persona 5 A perhaps-ly named conversation about video games between Anthony...

A Generic Video Game Podcast About Nier Automata + Persona 5

A perhaps-ly named conversation about video games between Anthony Ernst and Mollie L Patterson.

//Episode 026

//Show Note: We talk about Paprium, special editions, a brief slice of the history of video games, the GameBoy Advance launch, magazines & podcasting, Nier: Automata, Persona 5, and more!

IMPORTANT NOTE: With this episode, we’re testing releasing our shows in AAC format instead of MP3 (in order to hopefully improve audio quality in the same size files). Please let us know via email or Twitter if you have any issues with playing this episode.

//Radio site: radio.morningproject.com

//Email: [email protected]

//Twitter: Anthony (@24bitAJE), Mollie (@mollipen), morning radio (@mornradio)