Northrop Grumman is acquiring Orbital ATK in a $9.2 billion deal. Lockheed Martin unveiled a new family of satellite busses, positioning themselves for the next era of satellite bus production.

This episode of Main Engine Cut Off is brought to you by 20 executive producers—Kris, Mike, Pat, Matt, Jorge, Brad, Ryan, Jamison, Guinevere, Nadim, Peter, Donald, Lee, Jasper, Chris, and five anonymous—and 77 other supporters on Patreon.

Northrop Grumman to acquire Orbital ATK -
Analysts see red flags in Northrop’s acquisition of Orbital ATK -
Lockheed won’t protest now two-way race to refresh U.S. nuclear arsenal -
All in the Family: Lockheed Martin Introduces New Satellite Lineup - Sep 19, 2017
Lockheed Martin unveils new satellite bus lineup -
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