Jake Robins of WeMartians joins me to talk InSight, Mars EDL, and Mars 2020.

This episode of Main Engine Cut Off is brought to you by 33 executive producers—Kris, Pat, Matt, Jorge, Brad, Ryan, Jamison, Nadim, Peter, Donald, Lee, Jasper, Chris, Warren, Bob, Russell, John, Moritz, Joel, Jan, David, Grant, Mike, David, Mints, Joonas, Robb, and six anonymous—and 203 other supporters on Patreon.

Jake Robins (@JakeOnOrbit) | Twitter
WeMartians Podcast
51 - Entry, Descent, and Landing - WeMartians Podcast
47 - Recovering Opportunity (feat. Mike Seibert) - WeMartians Podcast
52 - Comin' up Jezero (feat. Tim Goudge) - WeMartians Podcast
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