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Many people assume that investing in traditional assets like stocks and bonds is the key to financial success, but our guest Cole Shephard has a different perspective.

Cole Shephard is the founder of Legacy Group, a company that specializes in investing in coffee farms. While his background initially focused on flipping real estate and commodity trading, Cole's journey led him to discover the lucrative opportunities in the coffee industry. Through his expertise and dedication, his company has become one of the biggest players in the country's coffee market.

In this episode, Cole dives into the world of coffee farming and why he believes it's a profitable investment. He shares his insights on what makes Colombia a great country for coffee production, from its rich soil, ideal climate, and passionate coffee farmers. Cole also discusses the skills and mindset he believes are essential for success in the industry, emphasizing the importance of continuous learning and the willingness to invest in knowledge.

Furthermore, Cole sheds light on the structure of the coffee business, explaining the risks and challenges associated with international investments in this sector. He provides valuable advice for those interested in getting started, including tips on conducting due diligence, navigating market fluctuations, and building sustainable relationships.

If you're intrigued by alternative investment opportunities and want to explore the world of coffee farming, this episode is a must-listen. Cole Shephard's passion for the industry and his remarkable journey will inspire and educate you on the potential for wealth creation outside of traditional avenues.

In this episode, we explore:

01:14 – Guest Introduction & Background: Cole Shephard

04:18 – What Made Colombia Better Than Others to Grow Coffee

06:27 – Multitasking and Evaluating Skills for Success

08:55 – You’re Going to Pay to Learn

10:01 – Structure of the Coffee Business

12:14 – Factors Affecting Prices in Coffee

14:06 – Risks Investing in Coffee

16:35 – Issues in Investing Internationally

18:25 – Learnings as a Company Along the Way That Were Key to Success

21:28 – Impact Investing

23:37 – Other Interests of Cole Besides Coffee

25:25 – Connecting With Cole

Connecting with the Guest:




