Life can be quite mysterious sometimes. Ryan McKenna was raised in a loving family who supported his every ambition - including being a professional baseball player. But when he found himself diagnosed with an illness and hospitalized, suddenly what mattered most wasn't the present day or future goals but rather the journey he had been on thus far. And so, it began - pondering what he wanted to do with his life from this point forward; until finally getting into learning about investing and meeting others just like him who did the same for their careers. It wasn't long before his own firm - McKenna Capital - would take off too! Watch the episode now!

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In this episode, we explore:

0:37 - Introduction

1:47 - Ryan's Story

7:09 - Ryan's assets

9:04 - Source of education

13:38 - Advice for investors

18:24 - What would have Ryan do differently

22:07 - Quality that makes someone successful

25:02 - Relationships are important

28:17 -

Connecting with the Guest:




