What are common kidney diseases? What are the risk factors for kidney diseases? What exactly is dialysis and at what point do patients have to be on it? What are conventional approaches to treatment of kidney diseases? What are natural approaches to treatment of kidney diseases?  

We get into all of this and more in episode 47 of Mahan Health!  

IN THIS EPISODE: I interview my friend and esteemed colleague, Dr. Devin Miles.  

Dr. Devin Miles provides natural solutions for Prevention, Gastrointestinal disorders, and Kidney disease.  She uses herbal medicine, homeopathy, hydrotherapy, environmental changes, and nutrition to help clients achieve the results they are looking for.  She graduated from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, a 4-year curriculum designed to train Naturopathic physicians how to blend conventional and natural medicine to achieve optimal results.  Dr. Miles naturally addressed her own health challenges at the time, and discovered she wanted to do the same for others.  She aims to prevent and reverse chronic illness, and help individuals achieve a higher state of health.  Dr. Miles has helped clients improve their digestion, mood, and energy, normalize blood pressure, bring blood sugar back to normal from pre-diabetes range, reduce chronic pain, eliminate kidney stone formation, stabilize kidney function, and lose weight.  She is the owner of It's Time Natural Health, and offers telehealth consultations.    


- Website: www.drdevinmiles.com 

- IG, FB, Twitter: @drdevinmiles 

- YouTube: Devin Miles, ND


Schedule a complimentary consult with me here: Mahan Health 

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*This podcast is not meant to serve as medical advice. Please speak to your healthcare provider before making any changes to your own personal health.ts or spotify: https://anchor.fm/mahanhealth 

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