Do you know what a ‘spiritualized’ prayer is? When a prayer is said by someone with so much energy and power that it receives a response from the Divine, then it is considered ‘spiritualized,’ according to Paramahansa Yogananda. If YOU say that same prayer, the power inherent in the prayer is available to bless you! It’s like stepping into a river with a strong current and being carried the rest of the way!

If you would like to have a book of spiritualized prayers, Whispers from Eternity by Paramahansa Yogananda is a MUST!

In this episode, I will share the power of this book, and how it was infused with Yogananda’s presence and consciousness. I will also share a powerful morning prayer that you can begin to use right away!

PS- This is the final episode on prayer. If you have been inspired to go deeper, join me in Mother Mary’s Pray Like a Priestess program 

Key Learnings:

Yogananda taught that words have great power, when they are saturated with sincerity, faith, conviction and intuition, they can smash through current circumstances and bring out the desired result.

Yogananda promised that, after he was gone, we would still be able to connect with him through his Whispers from Eternity book.

When someone speaks a prayer with so much energy and conviction, the Divine MUST respond. This is called a ‘spiritualized’ prayer. When you repeat a spiritualized prayer, you reap the benefit. It’s like stepping into a river with a powerful current and being carried along.

Prayer at Dawn – With the opening of the earliest dawn and the lotus-buds, my soul softly opens in prayer to receive Thy light. Bathe each petal of my mind with Thy radiant rays! I saturate myself with the perfume of Thy presence, and I wait to waft with the breeze the aroma of Thy message of love to all. Bless me, that with the spreading dawn I may spread Thy love everywhere. Bless me, that with the awakening dawn I may awaken all souls with my own and bring them to Thee. 


“Prayers become ‘spiritualized’ when you feel the Divine response. Learn how to pray this way and watch your life transform.” 

Click Here to purchase Whispers from Eternity by Paramahansa Yogananda

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