How do you keep your mind in a good place, especially concerning money? When the news is ‘bad’ and people around you are in ‘lack consciousness’,
it can be challenging to stay positive.

One of the best practices is to read something uplifting every day and saturate your mind with ‘prosperity consciousness.’ The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity is a great book for this very purpose!

In this episode, I share ideas from this classic prosperity book on the Law of Increase, and how applying this specific law is the perfect remedy for the times we are in.

Do you have a favorite practice to keep yourself in a prosperity mindset? Let’s share!


Key learnings:

The world will never tell you that you are in a time of prosperity. Even when things are good, the news only focuses on what could go wrong. Let go of thinking the outside world will build your prosperity consciousness for you.

Each chapter of the Dynamic Laws of Prosperity can be its own book. It is that rich with information to apply. Everything the author shares is backed by true stories of people who have successfully applied these teachings!

Even though this book was written a long time ago, the principles are timeless. The only thing I would add to her teaching is to let yourself experience your feelings. Don’t suppress them, but don’t get stuck there either. Release them and then dwell on the truth, that you live in an abundant Universe that has your back.

“Failure is nothing but success trying to be born in a bigger way.” Catherine Ponder

Click here to purchase the Dynamic Laws of Prosperity by Catherine Ponder

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